I will give a talk at GROW 2025 (Frankfurt, March 27th).
I will give a talk at Y-RANT VII (Nottingham, September 3rd-5th).
Recent Conferences
Together with Andreas Hohl, Johannes Horn, Konstantin Jakob and Timo Richarz, I organized the workshop Ramification in geometric Langlands and non-abelian Hodge theory (Heidelberg, September 2024).
Together with James Newton and Jack Thorne, I organized the workshop p-adic Families of Automorphic Forms: Theories and Applications (Edinburgh, July 2024).
Here are the slides for my talk on "Dobble und die Mathematik" for the "Tag der Mathematik" (October 2023, Heidelberg)
On Girls' Day 2022, I gave a lecture in Heidelberg on the concept of infinity.
Notes and Videos
I gave two lectures at the Summer School on the Arithmetic of the Langlands Program (Bonn, May 2023). You can watch them here and here.
Here are notes for a mini-course on Spectral theory and the Eigenvariety machine that I gave at the spring school on Non-archimedean geometry and Eigenvarieties in Heidelberg in March 2023.
Here are lecture notes from an (online) course on adic spaces.
In 2019, I assisted a course on adic spaces. Here is a collection of exercises, that might be useful if you are learning the theory.
Here are notes from a mini-course Mod p Langlands correspondences via arithmetic geometry that I gave at KIAS in August 2016.